
Welcome to Guardia, a GenCon event. If you are attending this year, please read through this site.

If you have any questions or need to reach me prior to the event email me here: guardia@badhex.33mail.com

Here you will find topics that explain the Campaign world that you will be playing in and help you decide if you would like to play one of the pre-generated characters, or make your own.

From here you will want to check back every so often (at least once before the event) to see if there is any updated information you should be aware of. Materials will be provided for you the day of the event and I encourage you to bring your own dice, voice, favorite pencil, amusing anecdote, and/or any other things that could make the experience more enjoyable.

One last thing: Show up! You support not only me, but other Event Hosts when you actually attend our events. We spend countless hours preparing material for you and would love to have the chance to present it. If you don’t think you’ll be able to make it to the event, please refund your ticket and give someone else a chance to participate.

See you there!