Drivethru RPG
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- ● Sorrow of a Broken Heart - One Page AdventurePublisher: Elven Tower
This is our 49th installment of the one-page dungeon series. The objective is to create self-contained adventures/dungeons with all things necessary to spawn fun adventures on a single page. It is system-neutral so it can be easily ported to any system. It shouldn't be much trouble to include it in any medieval setting. This one is about a love-stricken enchantress who created a magical item with her bare feelings, the Crystalline Tear.
What's included:
- PDF and JPG versions of OP49.
- B/W printer-friendly versions
- Hi-Res Map versions
- The adventure is system-neutral so no rules or mechanics are included.
Price: $0.95 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 6:45 pm - ● Risk It All for Love - Level-5 D&D + Shadowdark AdventurePublisher: Elven Tower
Risk It All for Love
Level-5 D&D 5e + Shadowdark Adventure
Risk it all for Love is an adventure where the heroes help Romeo save his beloved Juliet. One day, the woman left the town and joined a mysterious cultist group that venerated the Spiral God. This does not make sense and Romeo claims something is amiss, and that his precious Juliet would never do something like this. Together, they travel to an ancient tomb the cultists adapted as their lair.
Romeo ignores it, but Juliet is the descendant of an evil witch who made a pact with the devil. Hopeless, she woke up one day intending to become the Avatar of the Spiral. The leader of the cult, Archspiral Dorivan, foresaw her arrival and he prepares for her Spiral Ascension. This nefarious spell may bring forth the obscure Spiral God. Juliet's soul and body could be lost if they succeed. Time is of the essence and Romeo knows this. There is no time to waste!
This adventure has been published in both the D&D 5e and Shadowdark systems. Pick your game of choice and have fun exploring our amazing locations and adventures!
Explore fantasy worlds and immersive adventures!
Product Includes
D&D 5e and Shadowdark versions
Adventure PDF
Printer-Friendly B/W PDF
Separate Hi-Res map files
The Shadowdark version of this adventure is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC.
This one-shot adventure is also included in our flagship product Dungeon Vault Magazine. Check out our Dungeon Vault Magazine publication here if you want a better deal.
Price: $3.95 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 6:41 pm - ● Scent of MagicPublisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
City of Adlerfelt relies on magical substance Axonite to power its wondrous contraptions. A shipment containing the substance has gone missing, a powerful Magus House wants it back and the heroes are hired to do it. What follows is intrigue, action, magic-imbued undead and a ticking time bomb of magical substance.
This is a one-sheet adventure to Adlerfelt, a fantasy world where magic and technological advances have created a revolution which shakes the old order.Price: $1.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 1:20 pm - ● Rooks and Pawns; a Questworlds Rules MechanicPublisher: CM Games
Rooks and Pawns
The idea of a Chess Piece Mooks mechanic is to have NPCs/situations/events that can keep your game table moving as quickly as possible, and that you, as a game master can keep in their head with minimum effort.
In Questworlds, to succeed at a contest, a player needs more successes than the resistance, or if the number of successes are the same, high roll wins (a zero success victory). Questworlds has the mechanic for Assured Victory or a Rolled Contest. This mechanic sits between the two extremes; success is not guaranteed but the GM is assumed to have failed to roll under the resistance.
The Chess Piece mechanic assigns easily remembered automatic successes/high rolls to various resistances, where they are dramatically important but are speed-bumps on the road of the story, rather than dramatic forks or walls in the players’ path. NB: though I use the terms Pawn, Rook, Knight, etc., the resistance does not need to represent an actual NPC opponent; it could be any kind of story obstacle.
As a Gamesmaster (GM), you decide what Chess Piece best represents your preferred level of resistance and let the players roll against that, without requiring you to roll at all. The level gives a predictable result that players can base their decisions on. You do not have to use the names of the relevant resistance levels out loud; the terms are created only as a simple mnemonic, though you can still tell the players what the resistance level is equivalent to. The number of successes and the high roll is based on the GM failing to roll a success on the Resistance Table on Questworlds page 32. It doesn't add any additional complication or required steps. Indeed the idea is to eliminate certain steps when not required, and when to apply the mechanic is always your choice as a GM.
This idea itself is extremely simple to use at the table but I have provided multiple examples to demonstrate how it is intended to be applied.
Price: $1.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 12:44 pm - ● With Gnashed Teeth and HowlingPublisher: Schwalb Entertainment
One would be a fool to cross the Salt Barrens, sure—but only a bigger fool would stay behind to face the troubles blighting the Old Country. In With Gnashed Teeth and Howling, the group braves the perils of the Salt Barrens to escape the war, disease, and chaos ravaging their homeland. Death walks at their side, however; companions young and old, healthy and infirm are disappearing, being whisked away, or found dead, their bodies mutilated. Yes, the Salt Barrens claims lives, but these killings have another cause: Something hunts the refugees. If they would survive, the group must find a way to unmask the killer among them before they become its next victims. With Gnashed Teeth and Howling makes a perfect introduction to the world of the Weird Wizard and the start of your next campaign!
To use this quest, you need a standard deck of playing cards.
Price: $1.99 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 12:05 pm - ● Sailors of the Sightless SeaPublisher: Paizo
“The surface may have it easier than us, but legends rarely take the easy route.”
Sailors of the Sightless Sea contains various class and ancestry options drawn from across the Darklands, with a special focus on the Sightless Sea. Light up the dark, perform horrors out of sight, or simply sail the vast black ocean with your fellow pirates!
Within the pages of this supplement, you can:
Adventure as a Patchman, survivors of the Earthfall who long-strayed from the surface but have emerged once more into the light! Referred to as “mongrelfolk” by outsiders, these hard-working survivors have been empowered by the Godsrain to have their voices heard.
Twist your flesh further with new ancestry feats for Fleshwarps, including new strange adaptations and certain large-sized variant with spider legs below the waist.
Sail the Sightless Sea with new Pirate feats and sailing themed options for Barbarian, Bard, Swashbuckler, and more!
Hybrid classes and archetypes of old return to the fold, with class archetypes for Arcanist, Brawler, and Occultist as well as Eldritch Scoundrel, Psychokineticist, and Sword Saint!
Embrace the safety of city walls with the City Druid, Lamplighter Investigator, and Chill in the Streets Witch. You can even make a living there with the Burglar, Craftsman, and Priest profession archetypes!
Flaunt your wealth with the Noble Scion archetype, allowing you to be the wealthy heir or rich fop of your dreams!
Embrace Order with remastered rules for Hellknights, including 7 new (or rather, returning) orders and the Hellknight Aspirant class archetype.
Indulge in the horrors of the Darklands with the Graftstitcher, Homunculist, and Vivisectionist Alchemists, as well as the Fleshwarper, Master Chymist, and Pain Taster archetypes. Only supplemented further by new grafts and fleshwarping rules!
Channel mythic power beneath in the dark with the Jester and Silvertongue mythic callings, or seize your fate with the Psychopomp and Tapestric Horror mythic destinies. Ferry souls to the afterlife or feast upon their fear, or transcend the cycle of souls entirely!
Additional feats and options for the Eldritch Researcher and Wandering Chef archetypes, as well as many more for Barbarians, Exemplars, Investigators, Swashbucklers, Rangers, Sorcerers, and Thaumaturges!
Support for a smattering of Teams+ content, as well as previous supplements by yours truly.
All this and more lie just beneath the waves and into the dark if you only have the heart to sail!
Pathbuilder and Foundry Support Available Now!
Price: $15.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 12:05 pm -
- ● Sangus's Guide to the Titanspawn - Preview 2Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
Sangus's Guide to the Titanspawn
A Creature Collection
Preview 2
From the scheming forge mothers to the corrupted pisceans, creatures frightening and wondrous are found throughout the Scarred Lands.
Revisit the terrifying legacy that the titans and the Divine War wrought across the land, including the return of old favorites from the original Creature Collection and Creature Collection 2 supplements, and new nightmarish threats to challenge your players with.
This preview includes two monsters that spread the taint and corruption of their creators even after their defeat and make life in the Scarred Lands a living nightmare:
- The insidious Chillwisps are the bane of the frozen north, feeding on the heat of travelers and known to consume and extinguish torches, bonfires, and any other open flames they may carry.
- The dreadful Stover Blights, swarms of animated undead crops such as wheat or corn, spread rot and disease in their wake, slaugthering cattle and farmers alike before turning fertile fields into a blighted wasteland.
Sangus's Guide to the Titanspawn will soon be available on the Slarecian Vault!
Price: $0.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 12:01 pm - ● Jonstown Compendium Index [2025]Publisher: Chaosium
Nick Brooke's index to new RuneQuest & Glorantha scenarios and sourcebooks (and sundry other releases) available from Chaosium's Jonstown Compendium community content web store on DriveThruRPG. The index includes full details for every product released after 1 October 2024: for earlier releases, see my Jonstown Compendium Catalogue 2024.
Detailed listings analyse content (pages split between scenario, stats, maps, etc.), characters, settings and complexity of each scenario. Includes best-seller and ratings charts, RuneQuest Scenarios, Gloranthan Sourcebooks, Other Releases, three Where in the World? maps showing every scenario, sourcebook and map's location, and notes on when scenarios and campaigns are set (by year and season, inc. Chaosium RQG scenarios).
The index will be regularly updated following major releases in 2025. All updates in 2025 are free; the price of the index may increase each quarter as new content grows, so don't wait too long to get on board! If you bought it earlier, get the current version of the Index from your Library (top right menu) or from this product page while you're logged in.
NOTE: Material indexed in this book may deal with mature themes. GMs are advised to adjust their presentation of this subject matter in accordance with their own and their group’s comfort levels.Price: $1.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 11:01 am - ● RPG Weapon: Pack1Publisher: Soulafein Art
Pack contains 61 arts. Images are packed to RAR archive. All of them traditional graphite pencil drawings. PNG, transparent background.
List of weapon: Bastard sword, Battleaxe, Blowgun, Club, Crossbow hand, Crossbow heavy, Crossbow light, Dagger, Dart, Dire Flail, Doublebladed sword, Dwarven urgrosh, Dwarven waraxe, Falchion, Flail, Gauntlet, Glaive, Gnome hooked hammer, Greataxe, Greatclub, Greatsword, Guisarme, Halberd, Handaxe, Heavy flail, Javelin, Kama, Kukri, Lance, Light hammer, Longbow, Longsword, Mace, Maul, Morningstar, Net, Nunchaku, Orcish doubleaxe, Pike, Punching dagger, Quarterstaff, Ranseur, Rapier, Repeating crossbow, Sai, Scimitar, Scythe, Shortsword, Shortbow, Shuriken, Siangham, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Spiked Chain, Spiked gauntlet, Throwing axe, Trident, Warpick, Warhammer, Whip.
Not only can you use these hand-drawn weapon images in your home campaign on game night, you can also use them in your own publications, print or digital! (subject to the simple license agreement below) You can even use these images in your DMsGuild of DriveThruRPG products! Quality art can make a big difference in the success of your products, and commissioning custom artwork can be expensive. With this stock art pack you can fill your products with quality fantasy art without smashing your budget. Plus your purchase helps keep me stocked with pencils and cardstock to keep making more art. For that, I thank you kindly, and I hope my art helps you sell more copies of your next publication!
LICENSE INFO: By purchasing this stock art pack, you are granted a royalty-free license to use these images in unlimited personal and commercial products, including print products, digital products, and web-based advertisements for the product in which it is featured. You may NOT place these images in another stock art collection, or sell them individually.
You are allowed to crop, rotate, color, flip, reduce, enlarge, or otherwise modify these images as needed, but if any of the images are resized, the original proportions must be maintained. The initials/signature of the Artist do not have to show up in the final published work, however you MUST include the following statement in the credits of any product where these images are used:
'Some artwork copyright Murzabaev Roman aka s0ulafein, used with permission.'Price: $25.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 10:00 am - ● * GEBB Comic & Gaming 70% off [BUNDLE] *Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This very special 70% off promotional bundle contains an introduction to the world of GEBB, 15 regular issues of the sci-fi mini-comic for inspiration, a set of cardstock miniatures based on its characters and another thematically appropriate one to provide some antagonists, a fun and colorful map, and a copy of the rules-light storytelling RPG system that has been used to adapt it for games! GEBB 00 – Intro to GEBB
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB is a science fiction mini-comic that follows the ongoing activit... GEBB Cardstock Characters™
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFWelcome to the world of GEBB! This set of downloadable Cardstock Characters™ miniatures includes all of the main players from the popular and bestselling science fiction comic, including aliens Vz-7007z, Edwina, Joyce, Derek, the Old Gray, Leftie, and two regular Grays; cyborg Steve; human serfs Marcus and Pix; and even a large model of primordial monster Mama Shug. All of them are provided in two sizes. This title also includes an illustrated Intro to GEBB, an overview of the storyline, and biographies of the characters. An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert... Maps for an Egyptian Tomb (36 x 24)
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFThis title includes two large maps for an Egyptian Tomb, one representing a subterranean complex and the other the ruin-filled area outside of it! Two versions of each map are provided, one with a grid and one without. Non-grid versions of the maps and three full-page illustrations appear in a preview PDF, and high-resolution JPG versions of all four maps, along with a custom compass rose, are included in a ZIP folder. Gridded versions of the maps are 36 x 24 inches and have 1-inch squares. These beautiful maps by noted fantasy artist Bob Greyvenstein are suitable for any modern, fantasy, urban fantasy, historical, pulp, or horror RPGs, miniatures games, or wargames and are especially suitable when running games online or on virtual tabletops. Note that these maps all appear in the revis... TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFTSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) is a rules-light storytelling game designed for a storyteller and one or more players that can easily be played anywhere, from the airport waiting area you are stuck in, to the overnight in some hotel where there is nothing to do (and also, of course, in your own home). All the basic rules for TSRPG fit on one page; no dice are needed; characters have just two stats, Physical and Mental; and any bookkeeping that might be required can be done on a cocktail napkin with a pen borrowed from a waiter. Action is resolved through Challenges, and the consequences of these — whether good or bad — determine the flow of a shared narrative. We have also included a version of the rules that can easily be printed out, folded up into a convenient little booklet, and tucked into y... Wan-Ti Serpent Folk (Cardstock Characters™) [REVISED, UPDATED & EXPANDED]
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFWan-Ti are the shadowy and sinister snakemen of H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and other masters of dark fantasy. Dwelling in jungles, ruins, and subterranean vaults, sometimes directing the activities of insane cultists and minions, these ancient and ominous creatures wield powerful poisons and sorceries in their ongoing attempts to corrupt and manipulate humanity. They are the children of beings like Apep, Kukulkan, and Lamia and lurk in the shadows of East Asian, Indian, Egyptian, Classical, and Central and South American folklore and mythology. This set of 20 full-color Cardstock Characters™ miniatures is designed to be compatible with other 25/30mm figures and contains 16 different creatures, 12 of them scaled to be approximately man-sized and four of them scaled as both somewhat ... ~ GEBB 105 – Marching Ordures ~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventures of the oc... ~ GEBB 107 – #ClubBouncersBeLike ~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventures of the oc... ~ GEBB 111 – To Live a Day in LA ~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventures of the oc... ~ GEBB 112 – Scraping Bottom ~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDF"Arg! Spare some change?" An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and per... ~ GEBB 13 – A Caffeinated Cure ~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDF"Leave the coffee." An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic ... ~ GEBB 86 – Trash to Treasure ~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real. They watch us strip-mine the planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. Will they intervene to help us avert disaster? And what's with all the anal probes? If there is a plan to avert disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as they'd like to help, that's not their job. Instead, they go through the motions at work and do what they can to find a hint of meaning in their otherwise monotonous lives. This actual-play video features characters from GEBB and shows how easily Skirmisher Publishing's Platinum-bestselling "TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)" can be used to turn any comics or stories into adventures! ... ~GEBB 104 – Hiding in Plain Sight~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventures of the oc... ~GEBB 106 – Uber and Out~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventures of the oc... ~GEBB 109 – Hello, Goodbye~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventures of the oc... ~GEBB 110 – Nacho Best Plan~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventures of the oc... ~GEBB 113 – Mano a 'Mandra~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDF"It's TIME!" An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some of them might want to help, the faceless bureaucracy they are part of prevents them from doing so. Rather, they go through the motions of their jobs, which mostly involve abducting people who won’t be missed, subjecting them to probes and other exams, and then eventually returning them to their homes throughout the heartland. GEBB follows the ongoing activities and periodic adventu... ~GEBB 87 – Rules of Origin~
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAn extraterrestrial presence is real. They watch us strip-mine the planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. Will they intervene to help us avert disaster? And what's with all the anal probes? If there is a plan to avert disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as they'd like to help, that's not their job. Instead, they go through the motions at work and do what they can to find a hint of meaning in their otherwise monotonous lives. This actual-play video features characters from GEBB and shows how easily Skirmisher Publishing's Platinum-bestselling "TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)" can be used to turn any comics or stories into adventures! ... Total value: 0 Special bundle price: 0 Savings of: 0 (70%) Price: $19.95 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 8:09 am - ● La Crique de SablePublisher: Paizo
La Crique de Sable
Scénario de Pathfinder 2ème édition en français pour personnages de niveau 1 qui les amènera au niveau 2.Perdue entre des falaises escarpées et une mer capricieuse, la Crique de Sable recèle des secrets que nul n’a jamais percés. Son phare abandonné veille sur des légendes oubliées, tandis que le vent porte d’étranges murmures à qui sait les écouter.
Les rumeurs parlent de trésors cachés, d’esprits errants et d’un ancien mal tapi dans l’ombre. Les habitants eux-mêmes chuchotent à voix basse les histoires des marins disparus et des aventuriers qui ne sont jamais revenus.
Oserez-vous affronter les mystères de la Crique de Sable ? Entre exploration périlleuse, énigmes insidieuses et révélations inattendues, ce scénario palpitant pour Pathfinder 2e édition vous plongera dans une aventure où chaque choix peut sceller votre destin.
Levez le voile sur les secrets du phare, affrontez ce qui hante la crique… et peut-être, juste peut-être, en ressortirez-vous vivants.
Price: $10.50 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 7:43 am - ● Aberrations and Alien HorrorsPublisher: Eugene's Workshop
Monsters and beasts are cool and all, but you better go with some aberrations if you want to give your players a truly out-of-this-world experience!
In the darkest moonlit forest, Lunarchidna awaits your heroes with its cunning tactics. Bloodthirsty Semas lie in ambush beside the road. Somewhere in an abandoned library, mysterious malleables form into one huge and very deadly mass of flesh, ever-seeking ancient knowledge. And there are rumors that there were sightings of the Core spawn near that suspicious town, where people began to disappear...
A weird and exciting adventure awaits!25 unique aberration tokens including the newest additions from The Creature Codex
Core Spawn Crawler
Core Spawn Emissary
Core Spawn Seer
Core Spawn Worm
Dimensional Shambler
Flame-Scourged Scion
Forest EmperorHelashruu
Malleable major
Malleable massive
Malleable minor
Malleable moderate
Pale ScreamerQuoreq
Tsucora Quori
WarduPrice: $4.99 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 7:38 am - ● Peasants and Workers in TroublePublisher: Eugene's Workshop
Mighty heroes do not always face danger in a wild forest or an ominous cave. Sometimes enemy awaits right around the corner in a crowded city or a village...
Give your heroes the difficult task of protecting and saving as many innocent bystanders as possible! Some tough workers may even lend them a hand!
Maybe they can earn some money by saving a friendly herbalist, who got lost in the woods or protect a simple fisherman from the lake monster? Or how about helping a crazy cook fight an army of angry dough elementals?
Not every story has to be an epic. Sometimes it is all about helping the simple folk!32 unique tokens of peasants and commoners of different races, ages, and professions
Beggar female
Beggar male
Crawling man
Dwarf peasant manDwarf peasant woman
Elf peasant man
Elf peasant woman
Halfling peasant man
Halfling peasant woman
HerbalistHuman peasant man
Human peasant woman
Injured man
Injured woman
Old man
Old womanPriest
Tiefling peasant man
Tiefling peasant woman
Woman with child
Worker buff
Worker skinnyPrice: $4.99 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 7:38 am - ● Fantasy Heroes and VillainsPublisher: Eugene's Workshop
Wanna add some new colorful NPC's to your game?
Or maybe create a character, matching a certain visual you like?
Here some cheerful heroes to aid your adventurers on their journey along with some dark baddies to stand in their way!
Knights and wizards, bards and artificers - lots of different original designs.25 unique detailed character tokens
Aberrant mind socreresss
Abjuration wizard
Bard of swords
Drow elementalist
Dwarf assassin
Dwarf defender
Eldritch knightElementalist
Elf wizard
Explosive artificer
Firbolg knight
Genasi warlock
Gnome inventor
Infernal bard
Old magicianProvocative swashbuckler
Tiefling dealer
Tiefling sorcerer
Undead warrior
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Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 7:37 am - ● Divine Settings 70% off [BUNDLE]Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This very special 70% off bundle contains fun and useful selection of bestselling titles featuring religious places of all sorts! They include two popular "100 Oddities" system-free sourcebooks, two self-standing adventures that include all of the rules needed to play them, a campaign-length adventure, and much more. 100 Oddities for a Graveyard
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Format: PDFWelcome to 100 Oddities for a Graveyard, the fourth entry in Skirmisher Publishing’s popular "Oddities" series! As roleplaying locales go, graveyards are classic, and can play a part in just about any type of game. As long as adventurers venture and people die, there will be graveyards. Fantasy, historical, urban, modern, horror, and even sci-fi or post-apocalyptic games can all benefit from the occasional introduction of a graveyard — and we have the Oddities to help you “flesh” them out. Oddities are intended to aid GM creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gaming episodes into something more, and the goal of this publication is to make things more fun and to take your imagination in directions it might not otherwise have gone. They fill in the corners of a bookshelf, a room, a lev... 100 Oddities for a Pilgrimage Trail
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Format: PDFWelcome to 100 Oddities for a Pilgrimage Trail, the latest title in Skirmisher Publishing’s popular and ongoing “100 Oddities” series! For thousands of years — and especially since the era of the Middle Ages — people have been prompted to undertake spiritual journeys of various sorts and this concept in general, and the desire to help facilitate and inspire such quests was the motivation for the creation of this universal sourcebook. This system-free thematic sourcebook contains an annotated list of 100 people, objects, conditions, or other things that characters might encounter on a trail dedicated to the veneration of some deity, demigod, hero, saint, or religion. It also contains a subtable for determining the characteristics of roadside markers and more than 60 illustrations, ... A Rose for Erato (A Fantasy Scenario for TSRPG)
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Format: PDF“A Rose for Erato” is a TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) fantasy adventure inspired by ancient Greek myth and legend and the Muse of Romantic Poetry! It is suitable for a storyteller and one to eight players (with four being optimum), and will typically take two to three hours to play through. This fun and engaging quest to honor a goddess and preserve the soul of a famous poet includes: ● A complete short adventure that includes encounters, environmental hazards, and a number of intriguing challenges; ● Two regional maps; ● Four sample characters with custom tokens and illustrations; and, ● A copy of the TSRPG basic rules, allowing this scenario to be played without any other resources. ... At the Shrine of Othrys (A 5E Adventure & Sourcebook)
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDF“You have travelled through a desolate wilderness and, after braving untold hardships and dangers, reached the base of Mount Othrys, legendary headquarters of the Titans during their war with the Olympian gods. Before you the valley widens out and, at its center, is a small, rugged hill, a ring of large standing stones at its top marking it as a place of worship since the earliest times. On the western side of this mound of rock, the Rematia River expands into a small lake, and on the eastern side a plume of smoke rises from the ground between it and the mountain. Scrubby copses of vegetation cling to the base of the hill, and sparse rolling grassland lies in the quarter of a mile that separates you from it. You know that you have surely arrived at the Shrine of Othrys.” “At the Shrine o... At the Shrine of Othrys (A Campaign Report)
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDF“At the Shrine of Othrys” is a fun and lively novella-length work of fantasy fiction that follows the activities of four stalwart adventurers, Myrmidon fighter Myrmex, Human rogue Teris, Cynocephalian sorcerer Lyco, and Olympian priestess Angelia as they travel to and explore an ancient temple complex. This publication is designed to look like a journal written and illustrated with sketches by one of the characters while in the field. It is organized into 14 chapters that start with the formation of the adventuring party and follows its members as they face cultists, elemental monsters, evil humanoids, and all form of natural and unnatural hazards. It is written in a way intended to be reminiscent of classic swords-and-sorcery fantasy and combines humor and grimness as it recounts how i... Into the Vault of the Sea Goddess (An Adventure for 5E)
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDF“ … drowsing on the deck of the Geros when I was startled awake by a noise like the roar of the Ismenian Dragon. Looking up, I saw a lithe figure in the lantern room remove the trident from its dais and disappear down into the lighthouse. A monstrous pillar of black smoke swallowed the sunset, darkening the skies. Captain Othonos immediately raised sail, steering for the deep sea, but soon thereafter a cyclopean wave engulfed the whole island. The cursed Titans rent the earth asunder and the lighthouse slid into the heaving sea like a stone dart. That same wave broke on the Geros’ aft deck, catapulting me high in the air and into the merciful waters of Lethe. Blessed Tyche surely saved me, for I regained my senses floating atop a tangle of flotsam ... ” "Into the Vault of the Sea Goddess” ... Maps for a Graveyard (36 x 24)
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Format: PDFThis title includes six variants of a large map for a Graveyard! Two versions of each map are provided, one with a grid and one without. Non-grid versions of the maps and three full-page illustrations appear in a preview PDF, and high-resolution JPG versions of all 12 map variants, along with a custom compass rose, are included in a ZIP folder. Gridded versions of the maps are 36 x 24 inches and have 1-inch squares. These beautiful maps by noted fantasy artist Bob Greyvenstein are suitable for any modern, fantasy, urban fantasy, or horror RPGs, miniatures games, or wargames and are especially suitable when running games online or on virtual tabletops. ... Maps for an Egyptian Tomb (36 x 24)
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Format: PDFThis title includes two large maps for an Egyptian Tomb, one representing a subterranean complex and the other the ruin-filled area outside of it! Two versions of each map are provided, one with a grid and one without. Non-grid versions of the maps and three full-page illustrations appear in a preview PDF, and high-resolution JPG versions of all four maps, along with a custom compass rose, are included in a ZIP folder. Gridded versions of the maps are 36 x 24 inches and have 1-inch squares. These beautiful maps by noted fantasy artist Bob Greyvenstein are suitable for any modern, fantasy, urban fantasy, historical, pulp, or horror RPGs, miniatures games, or wargames and are especially suitable when running games online or on virtual tabletops. Note that these maps all appear in the revis... Mysterious Relics: Pantheon-Specific Temple Objects & Furnishings
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Format: PDFIn addition to religious trappings common to the temples of many lands and gods — like altars and deities’ holy symbols — certain objects, furnishings, sacred animals, and other items of a ritual nature might be found only in the shrines of specific deities or pantheons. Relics also often have very narrow functions and are frequently affiliated with specific cults or sects within a temple, such as those that might use the item in question as part of secret rites in hidden areas. Depending on their uses, such items might either be in plain sight or concealed in special areas. “Mysterious Relics” examines the various objects, furnishings, garb, accouterments, and items associated with temples and other holy sites and provides as examples a dozen ancient holy items associated with the class... Temple of the Banished Suns (An 'Age of Night' Scenario for TSRPG)
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Format: PDF“Temple of the Banished Suns” is a TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) adventure set in the world of artist Amanda Kahl’s Age of Night comic series! Familiarity with the graphic novels is not necessary for either a storyteller or players to enjoy this adventure, and it can both stand by itself and serve as a fun and immersive introduction to the world of Age of Night. It is designed for up to four players and will likely take two to three hours to play through. “Temple of the Banished Suns” includes: ● A complete, illustrated short adventure that features encounters, environmental hazards, and a number of fun and exciting challenges; ● Two encounter area maps; ● Four sample characters with custom tokens and illustrations; and, ● A copy of the TSRPG basic rules, allowing this scenario to be pl... The Jester Dragon's Random Cult Generator
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Format: PDFCults threaten adventurers, civilization, and the existence of the universe itself. Whether they are sacrificing virgins, summoning tentacled horrors, or infiltrating every level of society, it is inevitable that your heroes are going to have a run-in with cultists at some point in their adventuring careers. And, after all, hidden temples hold the best treasure and no one builds them like a cult. But you’re a busy Game Master and have more important things to do than agonize over creating a new secret religion every week. So, once again, the Jester Dragon is ready to do all the hard work for you, with a series of tables allowing you to quickly roll up every aspect of a sinister cult, from the god it worships to the color of the priest’s robes. Grab your d100s, say a quick prayer to Grog-N... TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)
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Format: PDFTSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) is a rules-light storytelling game designed for a storyteller and one or more players that can easily be played anywhere, from the airport waiting area you are stuck in, to the overnight in some hotel where there is nothing to do (and also, of course, in your own home). All the basic rules for TSRPG fit on one page; no dice are needed; characters have just two stats, Physical and Mental; and any bookkeeping that might be required can be done on a cocktail napkin with a pen borrowed from a waiter. Action is resolved through Challenges, and the consequences of these — whether good or bad — determine the flow of a shared narrative. We have also included a version of the rules that can easily be printed out, folded up into a convenient little booklet, and tucked into y... Vault of the Sea Goddess
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Format: PDFA hundred years ago, the Great Cataclysm caused the lighthouse of Amphitritos to fall into the sea and, with it, the crystal trident that for long years had guided mariners safely through the islands of the Dodecanese. Now, three adventurers, pious rogue Neeko, Aigyptian warrior Kari, and Gnome artificer Zopee, have sought out the ancient site in a quest to retrieve the holy relic and restore it to the purpose for which is was intended. While they are prepared to descend into and explore the depths, however, there are hazards and evils concealed within them that will put their abilities to the ultimate test … “Vault of the Sea Goddess” is an exciting, self-standing swords-and-sorcery fantasy short story by author and game developer Octavius Knorr that takes place in the bestselling ~ Cartes pour une Forêt Enchantée (36 x 24) ~
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Format: PDFCes cartes réalisées par l’artiste de fantasy Bob Greyvenstein, représentent une partie d’une Forêt enchantée, riche en inspiration grâce à ses accidents de terrain : falaises, chemins, petite colline rocheuse, entrée d’un ravin, portion d’étang, ruisseau franchi par un pont, cercle de sorcières, colossale statue de pierre, vieux chêne majestueux, et autres. Ce titre comprend deux versions d’une grande carte, l’une avec une grille de 90x60cm avec des cases de 2.5 cm de côté (un carré représente 6 mètres), l’autre sans grille. Ces deux versions, ainsi que trois illustrations pleine page, sont disponibles en aperçu PDF ; les mêmes en JPG haute résolution, avec une rose des vents, sont incluses dans un fichier Zip. Ces cartes de toute beauté seront utiles à n’importe quel jeu de rôles médiév... ~ Mapas para uma Floresta Encantada (36 x 24) ~
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Format: PDFEsses mapas do artista de fantasia Bob Greyvenstein retratam uma seção atraente da Floresta Encantada (Enchanted Forest), com características que incluem penhascos, trilhas, uma pequena colina rochosa, a entrada de uma ravina, parte de um açudo, um riacho com uma ponte sobre ele, um anel-de-fadas, uma estátua de pedra colossal, um grande carvalho antigo e muito mais. Este título inclui duas versões de um mapa grande, uma de 36 x 24 com quadrados de 2.5 cm (1 polegada) e cada um representando 6 metros, e outra mapa sem quadriculado. Ambas as versões do mapa e três ilustrações de página inteira aparecem em um PDF. Versões em JPG de alta resolução de ambos os mapas, juntamente com uma rosa-dos-ventos personalizada, estão incluídas em uma arquivo ZIP. Esses belos mapas são apropriado para u... ~Tempel der Verbannten Sonnen (Ein Age-of-Night-Szenario für TSRPG)~
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Format: PDF„Tempel der Verbannten Sonnen“ ist ein Abenteuer für TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG), das in der Welt von Amanda Kahls Comicreihe Age of Night angesiedelt ist! Eine Vertrautheit mit den Graphic Novels ist weder für den Erzähler noch für die Spieler notwendig, um dieses Abenteuer zu genießen, und es kann sowohl für sich allein stehen als auch als lustige und immersive Einführung in die Welt von Age of Night dienen. Es ist für bis zu vier Spieler geschrieben und wird wahrscheinlich zwei bis drei Stunden füllen, um einmal durchgespielt zu werden. „Tempel der Verbannten Sonnen“ enthält: ● Ein komplettes, illustriertes Kurzabenteuer, in dem es spannende Begegnungen, Umweltrisiken und eine Vielzahl lustiger und aufregender Herausforderungen gibt; ● Zwei Karten für Begegnungsfläche... ~Una Rosa para Erato (Un Escenario de Fantasía para TSRPG) ~
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Format: PDF"Una Rosa para Erato" es una aventura de fantasía para TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Juego de Rol Compacto) inspirada en el mito y la leyenda griega antigua y la musa de la poesía romántica. Es adecuado para un narrador y de uno u ocho jugadores (con cuatro siendo óptimo), y normalmente tomará de dos a tres horas para jugar. Esta búsqueda divertida y atractiva para honrar a una diosa y preservar el alma de un poeta famoso incluye: ● Una aventura corta completa que incluye encuentros, peligros ambientales y una serie de desafíos interesantes; ● Dos mapas regionales; ● Cuatro personajes de muestra con fichas e ilustraciones personalizadas; ● Una copia de las reglas básicas de TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Juego de Rol Compacto), lo que permite jugar este escenario sin ningún otro recurso. ... Total value: 0 Special bundle price: 0 Savings of: 0 (70%) Price: $55.83 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 7:31 am - ● * 5TH EDITION [80% OFF MEGABUNDLE] *Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This very special 80% off 5E Megabundle contains 20 bestselling titles developed specifically for use with the D&D 5E game system! They include our just-released "Into the Vault of the Sea Goddess" and its companion "At the Shrine of Othyrs," as well as our "On the Plane of Magma" adventure, "Epic Boons," "Speed Round 5E" guide to streamlining online game sessions, Gold-bestselling "Aigyptos," "Men & Monsters of Ethiopia," "Mines of Moira," "Viking Warriors," and more. We have also thrown in a number of fun bonus items, including some beautiful new battle maps. Aigyptos: A Gazetteer for 5th Edition
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Format: PDFWelcome to Aigyptos! We have just released a revised and updated version of this bestselling publication. This 5th Edition sourcebook can be used in a number of ways. One is to provide a backdrop for self-standing Egyptian-style adventures that do not already have a setting associated with them. Another is to provide a mini-setting sufficient to allow characters to visit or travel through a land reminiscent of ancient Egypt. Yet another is to introduce such a country with an eye to using it for ongoing adventures. This detailed 5th Edition book includes: * An overview of a fantasy version of ancient Egypt; * A set of custom encounter tables for Aigyptos; * 5th Edition game system material that includes stats for all new men, monsters, and environmental hazards that appear on the ... At the Shrine of Othrys (A 5E Adventure & Sourcebook)
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Format: PDF“You have travelled through a desolate wilderness and, after braving untold hardships and dangers, reached the base of Mount Othrys, legendary headquarters of the Titans during their war with the Olympian gods. Before you the valley widens out and, at its center, is a small, rugged hill, a ring of large standing stones at its top marking it as a place of worship since the earliest times. On the western side of this mound of rock, the Rematia River expands into a small lake, and on the eastern side a plume of smoke rises from the ground between it and the mountain. Scrubby copses of vegetation cling to the base of the hill, and sparse rolling grassland lies in the quarter of a mile that separates you from it. You know that you have surely arrived at the Shrine of Othrys.” “At the Shrine o... At the Shrine of Othrys (A Campaign Report)
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Format: PDF“At the Shrine of Othrys” is a fun and lively novella-length work of fantasy fiction that follows the activities of four stalwart adventurers, Myrmidon fighter Myrmex, Human rogue Teris, Cynocephalian sorcerer Lyco, and Olympian priestess Angelia as they travel to and explore an ancient temple complex. This publication is designed to look like a journal written and illustrated with sketches by one of the characters while in the field. It is organized into 14 chapters that start with the formation of the adventuring party and follows its members as they face cultists, elemental monsters, evil humanoids, and all form of natural and unnatural hazards. It is written in a way intended to be reminiscent of classic swords-and-sorcery fantasy and combines humor and grimness as it recounts how i... Epic Boons: A Sourcebook for 5th Edition
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Format: PDFThis sourcebook for the 5th Edition roleplaying game system provides more than 200 new and exciting examples of Epic Boons, including ones that apply to specific classes, heritages, backgrounds, and alignments, as well as a section of some that are especially powerful. Official Epic Boons tend to be very generic in nature and are clearly intended to be used in vanilla settings or adapted by Storytellers to their own creations and this supplement takes this concept to the next level.... Huo Ji, the Fire Rooster (A Monster for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDFIn honor of the Asian Lunar New Year, Skirmisher Publishing is proud to announce the release of “Fire Rooster: A Monster for 5th Edition”! Fire Roosters are elemental animals made of living metal that have glowing red metallic feathers, are studded with numerous small gems, and have low flames wreathing their bodies. Beyond the elemental planes that are their native homes, such creatures are most likely to be found in places like volcanoes and temple complexes of deities with which they are affiliated, where they typically serve as guardians or beloved pets. In cultures that observe the Lunar New Year and adhere to the Asian Zodiac, spellcasters often summon Fire Roosters to take part in annual celebrations, where they are displayed, doted on, fed treats, and directed to continuously se... Into the Vault of the Sea Goddess (An Adventure for 5E)
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Format: PDF“ … drowsing on the deck of the Geros when I was startled awake by a noise like the roar of the Ismenian Dragon. Looking up, I saw a lithe figure in the lantern room remove the trident from its dais and disappear down into the lighthouse. A monstrous pillar of black smoke swallowed the sunset, darkening the skies. Captain Othonos immediately raised sail, steering for the deep sea, but soon thereafter a cyclopean wave engulfed the whole island. The cursed Titans rent the earth asunder and the lighthouse slid into the heaving sea like a stone dart. That same wave broke on the Geros’ aft deck, catapulting me high in the air and into the merciful waters of Lethe. Blessed Tyche surely saved me, for I regained my senses floating atop a tangle of flotsam ... ” "Into the Vault of the Sea Goddess” ... Jinshu Niu, the Metal Ox (A Monster for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDFIn honor of the Lunar New Year, we have released the Jinshu Niu! This publication includes a detailed D&D 5E description and stats for the “Metal Ox” of the Asian Zodiac, along with details for two variants and the effects of particular years on them. It is the perfect addition to anything from a traditional fantasy campaign setting to one with East Asian or Wuxia elements. Jinshu Niu are creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth that look like oxen made of metal, silver in the case of males and gold in the case of females, and which have eyes that appear to be spheres of semi-precious stone. They are very rare on the Prime Material Plane and those present on it will likely be found in isolated places like ancient bamboo forests or places where they can indefatigably perform the so... Jinshu Shu, the Metal Rat: A Monster for 5th Edition
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Format: PDFIn honor of the 2020 Asian Lunar New Year, Skirmisher Publishing is proud to announce the release of “Jinshu Shu, the Metal Rat: A Monster for 5th Edition”! Jinshu Shu are elemental creatures that look like rats made from various sorts of precious metal and which are created on the Elemental Plane of Earth through a convergence of metallurgic, metaphysical, and elemental fire and air energies. They are very adaptable and might be found almost anywhere on the Prime Material Plane, although given the choice they are most likely to inhabit places where they can find their favorite foods, to include gardens, forests, and graveyards. They also sometimes dwell in the temples of various deities, especially those associated with treasure, craftsmen, death, and the element of Earth, where they t... Krampus (A Monster for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDFKrampus is a devil who once a year is unleashed into the world to kidnap as many wicked children as he can stuff into his basket and carry them back to the frigid netherworld that is his home to serve as slaves. He appears at a different place each year on the night of the Winter Solstice and works his evil until dawn, when he disappears with whatever victims he has managed to capture by then. He also accompanies St. Nicholas in the lands where he is active. While the saint rewards good children with presents, however, Krampus gives bad ones lumps of coal and threatens to return the following year and drag them off to Hell if they do not mend their ways. This publication contains: * A detailed description for Krampus. * Complete 5th Edition statistics for this fiendish monster. * Cus... Maps for a Thieves' Guild (36 x 24)
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Format: PDFThese maps by noted artist Bob Greyvenstein depict a Thieves' Guild, along with the streets and buildings around it, located in a run-down area where the lower end of the mercantile quarter meets the slum district. Features include a guildhall set in an old and decaying mansion, fake storefronts that conceal areas for storing stolen goods, a watchtower for thugs charged with guarding the complex, a warehouse connected to the main building by a covered bridge, and more. This title includes eight versions of a large, two-page map. Variants include ones with roofs and no grids; ones without roofs, revealing interior areas, and no grids; ones with roofs and grids; and ones without roofs and with grids. Those with grids are 36 x 24 inches and have 1-inch squares (each of which represents 5 fee... Maps for a Tropical Island (36 x 24)
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Format: PDFThese maps by noted artist Bob Greyvenstein depict a diverse and colorful part of a Tropical Island, with features that include jungle, trails, a small coastal village with a beach, a few isolated huts, a river with a waterfall, a small lake, a hillside temple complex, a hidden cave shrine, a volcano with a ruin and a lava tube, a couple of small forest shrines, and more. This title includes four versions of three complimentary maps, which can be used both individually and in conjunction with each other. Variants include ones with roofs and no grids; ones without roofs, revealing interior areas, and no grids; ones with roofs and grids; and ones without roofs and with grids. Those with grids are 36 x 24 inches and have 1-inch squares (each of which represents 10 feet). All versions of the ... Men & Monsters of Ethiopia: An RPG Sourcebook for 5th Edition
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Format: PDFEthiopia is one of the oldest, strangest, and most fascinating places in the world and its history, peoples, legends, and folklore can serve as rich sources of inspiration for encounters, whole adventures, or even entire campaigns. Contents of this book are extrapolated from such sources; from references in classical mythology and other external sources to events in Ethiopia; and from firsthand research by the author during a research trip that included visits to sites around the country, from the ancient cities of Axum and Lalibela to numerous museums and the Institute for Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University. This detailed 5th Edition book includes: * 17 new types of monster presented in 29 stat blocks * Roles of 20 types of existing monster in an Ethiopian setting * Roles of... Mines of Moira: An Adventure for 5th Edition
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Format: PDFSomething has invaded Moira's, a popular Dwarven restaurant established in an old mine in the hills outside of the city where your party is currently adventuring! Now, it falls to you to learn what ancient evil has crawled up from the depths, to drive it out if possible, and to rescue an ill-fated squad of Dwarf militiamen if they are still alive. "Into the Mines of Moira" contains: * A complete small dungeon with nine encounter areas. * 15 sets of new or variant monster stats. *Custom illustrations by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl. * A dungeon map by cartographer Wilhelmina T. Thrasher. * Five detailed pre-generated 5th-level Player Characters — Dwarf Fighter Trodecarn, Human Rogue Paros, Half-Elf Cleric Selene, Tiefling Wizard Malyo, and Human Bard Desdinova — each fully stat'e... On the Plane of Magma (An Adventure for 5E)
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Format: PDF“On the Plane of Magma” is a 5E scenario designed to represent a spot on the quasi-elemental Plane of Magma that a character party might be transported to for any number of reasons. Note: This scenario is available by itself but is also included with Skirmisher Publishing's just-released "At the Shrine of Othyrs" campaign-length adventure! “On the Plane of Magma” includes: ● A six-page adventure by game developer Michael O. Varhola that includes encounters, an intriguing puzzle, and a description for a strange and monster-haunted castle. ● Descriptions and stats for two new monsters, the Magma Serpent and Metavulcanus, a Unique Paragon Magma Mephit. ● A large encounter map by cartographer Octavius Knorr. ● Four custom illustrations by artist Brenda Cass. “On the Plane of Magma” is ... Shui Hu, the Water Tiger (A Monster for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDFIn honor of the Lunar New Year, we have released the Shui Hu! This publication includes a detailed D&D 5E description and stats for the “Water Tiger” of the Asian Zodiac and is a perfect addition to anything from a traditional fantasy campaign setting to one with East Asian or Wuxia elements. Water Tigers, are large, dangerous Elemental monstrosities that have the heads, forequarters, and torsos of Tigers and the lower bodies of great Carps. Overall, they have a striking, frightening, and impressive appearance. Water Tigers are very rare on the Prime Material Plane and those present on it will likely be found in freshwater ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams and rivers in woodland areas. Water Tigers are sometimes also kept as guardians or companions by powerful spellcast... Speed Round 5E: A Guide to Streamlining Remote Tabletop Games
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Format: PDFSpeed Round speeds up “roll-play” to make more time for “role-play.” Moving from a live tabletop to a virtual online setting requires patience and, at least initially, some effort, and a bit of advance preparation will pay off during the game session. This publication enhances the flow of play in D&D 5E by reducing administrative overhead and shifting the spotlight away from the rules and back to the characters with an eye toward sustaining interest and engagement. Speed Round includes mechanical adjustments to combat, characters, spells and spellcasting, and monsters — to include a mathematically-sound method for creating monster clusters — that are designed to streamline online play and make it quicker, easier, and more enjoyable. It helps to make online gaming smoother, quicker,... The Jester Dragon's Bag of Beans
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Format: PDFOne of the most iconic magic items associated with fantasy roleplaying games since their earliest days, and one that has seen incarnations in every edition of the game for which 5th Edition is the latest version, is the Bag of Beans. This item is, of course, inspired by the magic beans that appear in the classic fairy tale commonly known as Jack and the Beanstalk. Only one magical power is associated with the beans in that story, namely growing a massive vine that stretches up into a cloud kingdom inhabited by Giants, but the creators of the world’s greatest and oldest RPG cannily realized that any number of powers might be associated with legumes of this sort and proceeded accordingly when putting them into game terms. Many players think that the Bag of Beans... The Jester Dragon's Trove of Trinkets
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Format: PDFWelcome to the “Jester Dragon’s Trove of Trinkets,” the latest Skirmisher Publishing sourcebook to bear the name of our enigmatic mascot! Trinkets can be found just about anywhere and might even be generated randomly during the process of character creation. This book contains 100 items that can be used for such purposes, along with customization options that include Minor Magical Effects and Hidden Contents. Like all of the other Jester Dragon’s Guides or the entries in the affiliated “100 Oddities” series, this book can be used in multiple ways, from generating single mundane or minor magical items to creating hooks for entire adventures. Possibilities include: * Anytime you are running or setting up for a game you can use this book to quickly generate a minor item for ... The Kobold Lair (An Encounter Area for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDF“Kobold Lair” is devoted to a detailed encounter area occupied by a tribe of Kobolds and a number of affiliated creatures and includes stats for all of them and a fully-keyed map that also covers the outdoor areas leading up to it. It is designed to present a challenge for a party of four or five 1st or 2nd level characters and can easily be expanded using included guidelines to be suitable for characters of up to 4th level. It can easily be dropped into virtually any setting and used as part of an ongoing campaign — especially as the starting adventure for one — as a one-off session, or in just about any other way. This encounter area is also an expanded D&D 5th Edition version of the Kobold lair that appears in the classic Basic D&D adventure “Keep on the Borderlands.” It incl... TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)
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Format: PDFTSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) is a rules-light storytelling game designed for a storyteller and one or more players that can easily be played anywhere, from the airport waiting area you are stuck in, to the overnight in some hotel where there is nothing to do (and also, of course, in your own home). All the basic rules for TSRPG fit on one page; no dice are needed; characters have just two stats, Physical and Mental; and any bookkeeping that might be required can be done on a cocktail napkin with a pen borrowed from a waiter. Action is resolved through Challenges, and the consequences of these — whether good or bad — determine the flow of a shared narrative. We have also included a version of the rules that can easily be printed out, folded up into a convenient little booklet, and tucked into y... Tu Gou, the Earth Dog (A Monster for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDFIn honor of the Asian Lunar New Year, Skirmisher Publishing is proud to announce the release of “Earth Dog: A Monster for 5th Edition”! Earth Dogs are elemental animals look like sturdy, well-formed, hairless mastiffs that vary in color from beige or brown to orange or even yellow. They are gregarious, loyal, and exuberant and respond well to life with various intelligent species, and are therefore often kept as pets, animal companions, or guards by Earth-dwelling beings like Dao. On the Prime Material Plane, Earth Dogs are most likely to be found in places like mountains, rocky ravines, gemstone mines, and the temples of deities with which such places are affiliated, where they typically serve as guardians. In cultures that observe the Lunar New Year and adhere to the Asian Zodiac, spe... Tu Zhu, the Earth Pig (A Monster for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDFIn honor of the Asian Lunar New Year, Skirmisher Publishing is proud to announce the release of the “Earth Pig: A Monster for 5th Edition”! Earth Pigs are elemental beasts that look like cute, chubby, hairless swine with large ears that move with a waddling gait and which might be gray, brown, or yellow in color and have hooves, teeth, and tusks of agate. They are especially valued for their ability to find valuable things, and are thus often kept as pets, animal companions, or guards by Earth-dwelling beings like Dao. They tend to be friendly toward creatures that do not appear to be dangerous or hostile, but will quickly turn on or flee from those that spook or harm them. Happy Chinese New Year! We very much hope you enjoy the Earth Pig. Other creatures in this series include the Fi... Viking Warriors (A Sourcebook for 5th Edition)
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Format: PDFWelcome to the Mythic North! Our version of this fantastic region corresponds largely to what are now known as Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Denmark and incorporates the myths, legends, folklore, and history associated with it and this book is designed to help facilitate adventures in it. “Viking Warriors” includes: * 10 sets of D&D 5th Edition game stats, including those for a chieftain, or jarl; five of his lieutenants, or thegns, including a rune-mage, a war-priestess, a bard, a woodsman, and a scout; and four different sorts of common warriors, or carls. Six of these sets are comprehensive enough that they can be used either as non-player characters or as ready-to-use pre-generated player characters. * Backstories for the various characters and for t... Total value: 0 Special bundle price: 0 Savings of: 0 (80%) Price: $78.78 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 6:56 am - ● Roll To Cast - Barrows & BorderlandsPublisher: Matthew Tapp
Roll to Cast is an alternative spellcasting system for OSR games, replacing Vancian magic with a roll-based mechanic. Spells succeed, delay, or fail based on a casting roll, adding risk and unpredictability. Critical miscasts can cause dire consequences. Designed for Barrows & Borderlands but compatible with most OSR systems.
Price: $0.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 6:52 am - ● AEDARK10 - Grand Dungeon StaircasePublisher: Aether Studios
This set is STL FILES. Avaiable in Openlock and Dragonbite
This set was a direct request from our discord group.
“I've been looking for a grand staircase for an alter room in the dungeon I'm working on. Something like these but more dungeon-like, and had no luck at all.” - Chaztef
Nasos Maloudis took this statement as a personal charge. Within a few days we had the sculpts ready and now set for publishing. Requests from our patrons and tribers (and their fulfillment) is our raison d’être here at Aether Studios.
Price: $4.00 Read more »
Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 4:15 am - ● Avalon Solo Adeventures [BUNDLE]Publisher: Avalon Game Company
This special bundle product contains the following titles. AsA, Child of Destiny, Gateway to Reality
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Format: PDFThe 11th adventure in the Child of Destiny series, this great book takes the heroes in search of their lost little Hope. Walk strange worlds and seek out hidden lore as you search for the little queen. This is not a complete game and requires that you have all the other Child of Destiny adventures as well a the core AsA product.... Asa, Child of Destiny, Limbo
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFThe last adventure in the Chilod of Destiny series for Asa. The long serach for Hope is coming to an end. Can you save her from her dark destiny?... Avalon’ Solo Adventures System, A Witch is Born
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFLife is good, you four are respected heroes in the realm. You have wealth, a reputation and full mugs of ale when ever you want them. Of course that cannot last…. This adventure book is the second in a series of linked adventures and continues the Child of Destiny series. A Witch is born is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system.... Avalon’ Solo Adventures System, Royal Wedding
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFIt has been a rough few months, but now that the goblin assault on Feldhold has been turned back and the plots of the Black Prince exposed, you four adventurers are able to take a bit of time off. The realm is on the mend and the King is out of bed, sitting in court once more. Times are good, and even more impressive is the Princess and her love for you. Who would have thought a few months back that you and your friends would be hailed as heroes of the realm, and one of you would be seeking the hand of the Princess for marriage? This adventure book is the first in a series of linked adventures that will take your four characters all the way from 1st level to the heights of their professions. The first of these linked adventures started within the core adventure book, A Life of Adve... Avalon’ Solo Adventures System, Terror at Raven Crest
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFFleeing the death of a loved one is hard enough, but doing it with a baby and one of your greatest enemies along side, well that’s even tougher. Terror at Raven Crest is the next book in the Child of Destiny series of adventures and is the third in a series of linked adventures and continues the Child of Destiny series. A Witch is born is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Border Princes
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFYou have discovered that a stranger named “The Gray Man” has all the answers you seek. Now you must search for him, heading through the northern territories with little Hope in tow. Can you survive the journey? “Border Princes” is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the fifth book in the Child of Destiny series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. ... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Gieldrith
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDFYou have reached your goal of the city of Gieldrith and now you must seek out whatever clues you may find so you can protect the baby, Hope. Be careful: there are dangers all around you. “Gieldrith” is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the fourth book in the Child of Destiny series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Hounds of War
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDFThe last battles to take the lands from the Black Queen are ready to be fought, but is the danger worth the glory of raising Hope to the title of High Queen. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the tenth book in the Child of Destiny series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Rise of the Lich King
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDFIt has been years since you put down your sword, adventures a thing of the past. Then little Hope is attacked and you find you must, for the last time, battle the forces of evil. “Rise if the Lich King" is a adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the seventh book in the Child of Destiny series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. ... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Road Home
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDFIt has been years since you have been back to Feldhold and your true home. The return will be long and things have changed much. The Black Queen has taken most of the lands and the people suffer. They need your to bring Hope back to them. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the eight book in the Child of Destiny series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. ... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Tears of War
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDFThe war for Feldhold has been fought, but there is still the smell of war in the air and new battles must be fought to raise Hope to the title of High Queen Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the ninth book in the Child of Destiny series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, The Grey Man
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFYou have discovered that a stranger named “The Gray Man” has all the answers you seek. Now you must search for him, heading through the northern territories with little Hope in tow. Can you survive the journey? “Border Princes” is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the fifth book in the Child of Destiny series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. ...
Price: $83.88 Read more »Total value: 0 Special bundle price: 0 Savings of: 0 (43%) Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 3:26 am - ● Avalon Solo System [BUNDLE]Publisher: Avalon Game Company
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Avalon's Solo Adventures, Sidetrack Adventures 2
Regular price: 0
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Format: PDFMore adventures for your party with sidetrack adventures two. Each adventure is a stand alone, exciting romp into danger, excpet for the last one which is part two of the iron Wolf sage. This is not a stand alone product, and requiires that you have a copy of AsA.... Avalon’s Solo Adventure System
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAvalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. The system is usable for: * anyone who has ever wanted to play a solo 5e D&D adventure. * anyone who has ever wanted to learn the rules for 5e D&D by playing a fully realized solo version of the game. * anyone that has wanted to play a solo 5e D&D adventure that takes their characters from acquiring their first adventure at an inn all the way up to defeating their evil nemesis. * anyone who has ever wanted to play a fully cooperative game without a Gamemaster sitting on the opposite side of the table. * And anyone who just has an hour or two and wants to play a game of 5e D&D. It’s all here: ... Avalon’s Solo Adventure System, King’s Guard, Book 1
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAvalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. Join the King’s Guard, the elite force under the direct command of the royal family of Feldhold. Guard the King, protect the realm, and make sure that all dangers that you face are defeated in the name of the King. King’s Guard is a first of two books in this series of solo adventures for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system. This is not a stand-alone game; you will need the core AsA system to play these adventures. ... Avalon’s Solo Adventure System, King’s Guard, Book 2
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAvalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. Join the King’s Guard, the elite force under the direct command of the royal family of Feldhold. Guard the King, protect the realm, and make sure that all dangers that you face are defeated in the name of the King. This is the second in this series of solo adventures for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system. This is not a stand-alone game; you will need the core AsA system to play these adventures. ... Avalon’s Solo Adventure System, Rauh’s Roughnecks Book 1
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFAvalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. Need to take a walk along a different road? Braking the law is just too much fun? Well Rauh’s Roughnecks is the best crew in town and they need a few good thieves, This is the first in this series of solo adventures for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system. This is not a stand-alone game; you will need the core AsA system to play these adventures. ... Avalon’s Solo Adventure System, Rauh’s Roughnecks Book 2
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFvalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures. Need to take a walk along a different road? Breaking the law is just too much fun? Well, Rauh’s Roughnecks is the best crew in town and they need a few good thieves. This is the second in this series of solo adventures for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system. This is not a stand-alone game; you will need the core AsA system to play these adventures. ... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Sidetrack Adventures, Book 1
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFGot some time on your hands and nothing to do. There is nothing more pitiful then a bored adventuring group, so Avalon Games is here to help out with Sidetrack adventures. Each book offers several small adventures for your party to engage in. Explore dark dungeons or some other exciting encounter, all with an eye for fun and danger. Sidetrack Adventures is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and not a stand alone game.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Temple of Light Book 1
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFSomething evil is rising in the world and you have been tasked by the temple of light to seek out this evil and end its threat. Do you have the faith to see this quest through? Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the first book in the Temple of Light series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Temple of Light Book 2
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFSomething evil is rising in the world and you have been tasked by the temple of light to seek out this evil and end its threat. Do you have the faith to see this quest through? This book continues the adventures found in the first Temple of Light Adventure book. Do you dare fight the evil that waits you? Avalon’s Solo Adventure system and the first book in the Temple of Light series. Avalon’s Solo Adventure system is a way for you to play 5e D&D by yourself, where you get to control a party of adventurers as they seek out glory and great deeds. In this supplement, you can play out various side adventures for fun and profit. All short one-shots, each is a self-contained adventure to flavor your solo adventures.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Town Guard Book 1
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFJoining the Town Guard has given you steady work and a steady income, but it is not always the most interesting of jobs. Things, though, are about to change. Given your lack of seniority in the Guard, you have been given assignments that boil down to "beat cop" work. The more interesting jobs are taken by those who have several years of experience. The four of you are chafing at the bit to find something more interesting on which to spend your time. Town Guard is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system.... Avalon’s Solo Adventures System, Town Guard Book 2
Regular price: 0
Bundle price: 0
Format: PDFining the Town Guard has given you steady work and a steady income, but it is not always the most interesting of jobs. Things, though, are about to change. Given your lack of seniority in the Guard, you have been given assignments that boil down to "beat cop" work. The more interesting jobs are taken by those who have several years of experience. The four of you are chafing at the bit to find something more interesting on which to spend your time. Town Guard is an adventure book for use with Avalon’s Solo Adventure system....
Price: $89.89 Read more »Total value: 0 Special bundle price: 0 Savings of: 0 (39%) Source: Newest Items | Published: February 16, 2025 - 3:15 am